Wednesday 18 September 2013

Analysing College Magazines

To understand what common conventions I need to include in my preliminary task, I will be needing to analyse two different college magazine covers alongside two contents pages.  This will help me to get an understanding of the common conventions alongside the contextual information on the page. It is important that I research and stick to common conventions of existing magazine covers as I need to be able to understand represent my target audience. I will also be following ideas from theorists and developing creative products and processes after viewing existing conventions and products. Various theorists that I will be following and looking at are the following:

- Jones (1993): 'A process needed for problem solving... not a specific gift enjoyed by a few but a common ability possessed by most people'

- Bentley (1997): 'The making of the new and rearranging of the old'

Caikazentmihalyi (1996): 'Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed in three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain. and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation'

These three theorists will help me throughout this process to be the best I can - they will help me to follow the common conventions for magazine covers and improve on my skills from last year.

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