Friday 29 November 2013

Feature Article/Double Page Spread Construction

To start the construction of my feature page spread I started with the background. I created a black box which filled have of the page - this allowed me to fit my other image on the page, knowing that it was evenly positioned. The use of black here represents my target audience through conventions and stereotypes concerning Stanley Halls theory of depression in youths - with black being a colour associated with this. 

I then inserted my image onto the page - I chose an image which I thought would best represent my audience and also their needs and desires. I made sure that this image lined up with my black text box and also made sure that my image wasn't stretched or misshapen. The idea of having a 'half and half' style page is something which is shown through many music magazines.

Next, I decided to insert four more images onto my page, all complete with a black border which makes them stand out. I also made my page black and white with an exception to my main image which makes it stand out and become the focal point of the page. I used a tool where I could erase certain sections of the black and white layer - this gave me a clever, professional effect. 

To compliment this, I added a plain white text box onto my page so that I could then insert text into. This is a common feature of feature page spreads - using colours which oppose each other and therefore stand out. 

I created my images black and white through use of the 'black and white adjustment' at the right hand side of Photoshop. This inserts a layer which adds a black and white filter, however sections can also be erased. I made the most of this feature as I carefully erased around the edge of my model to create a professional effect.
Next I created a rectangle column down the side of my page to act as a section for extra news. I created this column though use of the rectangle tool at the left hand tool bar of Photoshop.

I then decided to add my main header onto the page - this section is the similar to my contents page header. I have used my corporate colours and fonts and I have created typography which stands out and become noticed by my audience. This section of the page appeals to my target audience as it is modern and follows conventions of many other music magazines.
Next I added my tagline onto my feature page - this section also stands out as it compliments the header sections above it. I have created the fonts at a reasonably generic size and it represents conventions of the genre and also interests of the target audience. I have added a drop shadow onto this section of the text to make it stand out from the image behind.

I decided to add a drop shadow to my text to make it stand out against the background - this also follows conventions of other magazine feature pages. I did this by going to the 'layer style' tab and clicking on the drop shadow and 'stroke' settings to get my desired effect.

The 'news' section of the page is something which is incorporated into a few of my competitor's feature pages so it represent's my audience through conventions of the genre. I have lowered the opacity of the text box and added bold text which stands out to ensure that it looks stylish and modern. This allows my target audience to be portrayed.

The penultimate section of my page is my 'hot topics' section. I have created this section through looking at my audience's needs and desires and created a piece that incorporates smaller stories into my main feature page. I have indicated more important sections of text through making them red - a corporate colour - and less important sections of text by making them the generic colour of black. I have sectioned off each smaller story through use of a thin black line - something which I have noted other music magazines do on their feature pages.
Finally, I have inserted my feature article onto my feature page in two separate column. To do this I have used InDesign on the Apple Macs so that I can have a two column layout and also incorporate the idea of a large letter for the start of the first sentence. I have created my typography at a size which is representative of that of many other feature pages created by my competitors. I have used my corporate colours and represented my target audience through use of language in the article, colour and also layout. They are interested in an interesting feature article which incorporates language from the genre and also layouts which fits that of the stereotypes of other music magazines.


  1. Excellent drafting work. To improve:
    1) Include screenshots of the tools you used.
    2) Use more Photoshop terminology.

