Friday 4 October 2013

Evaluation for Preliminary Task

Before I created my magazine cover and contents I analysed existing products to find out what common conventions I needed to follow because theory research taught me the creative process is; "The rearranging of the old to create the new" (Bentley, 1997). I also conducted primary research using SurveyMonkey to find out exactly what my target audience wanted to see because I wanted my my magazine to be better than the existing college magazine that is not very appealing to college students.  

Despite this, there are still some areas of my magazine cover and contents pages which need addressing - they don't quite fit the common conventions, as well as some of the background theorists' information.

To create a desirable magazine, which looks appealing and attractive, I evaluated contrasting magazine covers and contents pages to ensure I had a correct understanding of the market place before I created my own. From viewing the college magazine - and by looking at the target audience research - I could see that the current magazine wasn't fit for purpose, therefore this was a perfect example of what not to create. After having analysed the college magazine cover, a similar college magazine cover (however one that fits the common conventions better) and two contents pages, from different magazines, I could see what looks appealing and what doesn't. In my opinion, my magazine fits the common conventions of common magazine covers - it is different to the college magazine due to it looking appealing and having an attractive layout. I worked with my flat plan designs to create an attractive layout when making my product in Photoshop. I made sure that my design and layout was as assured as it could possibly be - this meant making text larger on my cover and contents page than I had originally intended on my flat plan designs. 

My magazine cover has a similar feel to that of a male targeted magazine cover as well as a female aimed magazine cover - it does this through use of thin text, at the bottom of the page (this is something that is associated with female magazines), as well as bolder writing and a striped background in neutral colours (something that appeals to a male orientated target audience). I followed common conventions of magazine covers in terms of shot type, for the main image, text orientation - text is towards the side of the page, not interfering with the main image - and the mast head, covering roughly 1/7 - 1/8 of the page. The masthead is in an attractive typography style and the colours fit the colour palate. This is pivotal to the magazine's success - the cover is the first thing the reader sees and despite the term 'don't judge a book by its cover' this is often the case. 

Similarly, for the contents page I have also followed common conventions to fit the target audience and genre. To begin, the header - 'Contents' - stands out in terms of appearing more focal than smaller text - this allows the cover to fit the common conventions. The header is laid out in an attractive manor and it appeals to the target audience. The font is attractive and it is the correct size to match the target audience's needs and desires. I have used a column style layout, multiple images are used and I have a main image - something which I have noticed is a main part of modern magazine contents pages. The text is in one column - something that I have noticed is text on most contents pages is laid out in either one or two columns. Moreover, the images are towards the right - in one section by them self - this is because naturally the eye reads from left to right, top to bottom in the western world, therefore they are placed accordingly to the rest of the information. To do this, I have followed Bentley's 1997 theory that the creativity process is 'The making of the new through rearranging of the old'.  By following this it has allowed me to gain knowledge in terms of creativity and originality.

My contents and cover both follow similar design ideas and conventions which allows the magazine to have a theme and also a colour palate. All of my fonts fit the same style and design - I have used similar looking fonts used both normally and in bold. This has allowed me to have a range of ideas on the page without making it confusing or unappealing. The use of a colour palate has allowed my cover and contents pages to flow, giving them a style model for the rest of the magazine. I have used clear, focused images which appeal to the target audience and represent them accordingly. My target audience want to see clear images (this became apparent though SurveyMonkey feedback) that represent their interests and also fits recent events at the college. All of my images have been placed accordingly so that they don't obstruct text of disrupt the layout. 

My magazine is focused more on the student, rather than the parent of the student - something that I feel the current college magazine currently does. After having a look at my survey, I have come to the conclusion that the older students at Bodmin College don't read the current college magazine and aren't interested by it. This gave me a window of opportunity - I have created a magazine which primarily focuses on the elder students at the college, however also appeals to the younger students through. 

In terms of layout, the magazine is mature and organised (unlike the existing college magazine) - it has monthly sections - something that will appeal to my secondary target audience - the parents. By aiming my magazine at the older students, it has allowed it to appeal to the younger students in a sense a well - the magazine is read by the older students and then is seen as 'the thing to do' - hence the younger students becoming more interested. My magazine has sections such as 'inside school', 'events and trips' and 'through the years' (this section in particular allows the students to get involved with it (mostly appealing to younger students and getting them interested in the magazine). I have created a magazine that has a section for everybody - my secondary target audience's preferences have been filled, alongside my primary target audience - moreover I have fore filled the specifications set from my audience research. 'Events, trips and outings' allows the whole college to get involved - the students, parents and teachers can all show an interest because in a sense it concerns them all. Stanley Hall's (1904) 'The Storm and Stress Model' says that 'the common mood in teenagers is depressive' - this theory is vastly contradicted in this magazine, despite the darker colours (this being something that will appeal to the small percentage that this theory applies to). My magazine represents youth through a positive view - contrary to Hall's theory - this allows it to appeal to parents as well as the students. 'Skool's Out' shows off the achievements and positive attitude of the college and focuses on the student's plaudits rather than Stanley Hall's theory ideas. My magazine contradicts common stereotypes of youth which allows the older students and parents to appreciate it and it also sets a good tone for the college. 

I have attracted my target audience through use of basic information and also through the layout style. My content is relevant to the target audience (as well as the secondary target audience) and it appeals to them also through images and colour. Due to the sophisticated however relaxed layout I feel that my magazine will fit the target audience perfectly while also appealing to the secondary target audience. I feel that my product perfectly fits the target audience of students aged between 11-19 (the age of students at Bodmin College).

Over the process of this task I have came to the conclusion that my technological skills have improved vastly. My skills have been adapted and also have advanced - I feel that I now know what makes a good magazine cover and what doesn't. I think that I can self evaluate my own work to the extent that I can improve it and also see room for improvement. I have learnt and adapted my Photoshop skills further while also incorporating camera work and lighting skills. I feel that I can now use Photoshop with confidence - I am self assured in terms of using it by myself and adopting my work to fit the common conventions of the specific target audience. My camera work and skills have improved drastically - I now can take a professional looking image while also using industry specific lighting to make sure that it looks professional and correct to the genre. I now know how to set up a camera with the correct lighting so that they work together - I feel that my work will only get better through my advanced use of technology throughout this task.

Overall I think that my magazine cover and contents pages turned out as good as expected - they fitted the conventions required to work accordingly. To improve I think that I would perhaps need to work harder to get a more detailed audience research so that I can have a better understanding of what my audience wants. I may also need to work on my Photoshop work so that I can create a product that's slightly more technically coherent and sound. Finally I feel that I may need to focus on my knowledge of other college magazine which are up to the standard that I need to produce. This is so that I can create a product which fore fills its duties whilst relating to others in the same market place. 

In conclusion I feel that I have set out what I wanted to achieve - a coherent and attractive magazine cover and contents page which fits the target audience and specifically relates to certain aspects of the school, target audience and also my target audience's interests. I feel that my cover and contents pages are laid out in such a way that they are easy to read and don't look confusing or hard to read. The text and images work together to draw the read in and make my target audience want to 'see more'. Over all I feel that my magazine cover and contents pages fit the common conventions of magazines of this type despite lacking in some areas. Finally I think that I could work on some of the aspects of my cover and contents page which don't quite fit the common conventions so that I can become more assured in this area of work.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation hits the majority of criteria for proficient and is excellent in places; a good effort at this stage in the course! Keep up the good work. In order to improve:
    * Use more technical terminology (e.g. Photoshop terms)
    * Evaluate each cover element in greater detail
    * Make sure you cover all the key media concepts
