Thursday 15 January 2015

Cornwall Bys Vyken Billboard Construction

I wanted to create a billboard design for my regional magazine in order to advertise it correctly and attract my target audience. This billboard design needed to be versatile and incorporate a design which would be able to be used in digital advertisement, conventional billboard advertisements as well as adverts used at bus stops, phone boxes and also in newspapers.

I decided, during the design process, that my advert needed to fit the conventions set by my magazine cover - therefore text placement, image type and also colour all needed to fit traditional and similar themes. 

I started by opening a new document in Photoshop - I decided to use Photoshop because of the adaptable techniques and tools included. I wanted to create a PNG design as well as a JPEG - one would have a background image and the other would appear transparent. To do this, I imported a photograph which fits the themes required. I then used the pen tool to create a selection in a curved shape. This allowed me to cut out a spherical portion of my design. I also decided to add a thin white inside border line which would follow the perimeter of the design, adding stylistic themes. 

Regarding typography, I experimented with the 'text' and 'paragraph' tools to create type which looks attractive and fits my design ideas. By using white it allows my text to stand out, and by aligning the size of the type so that it fits into a rectangle area, it allowed the advert to look attractive.

When editing my background image, due to me shooting the image in a RAW photo format, I was able to edit it in the RAW photo editor, making it easier to change colouring, lighting etc. I darkened specific areas, and changed points of colour so the image looked even more attractive and accentuated Cornwall's beauty - drawing in my target audience. I adjusted the 'levels', 'brightness', 'vibrance' and 'hue/saturation'.

To understand what my advertisement would look like in two possible locations, I edited two photographs so that I could create digital renditions of it in the real world. For the landscape advertisement, I added the background image to the back of the advertisement in the styling of black and white to give depth and create an attractive design.

1 comment:

  1. • There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience.
    • There is proficient work on layouts and drafting• There is proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.
    • There are proficient communication skills.
    • There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning.
