Wednesday 29 October 2014

Billboard Audience Research

I have created a SurveyMonkey survey and received feedback from my audience on information regarding themselves, as well as what they'd like to see from a regional magazine billboard.
I asked my audience if they were 'male' or 'female', and in response I got a 50/50 result, meaning that I need to represent my billboard designs towards both male and females. This is helpful as elements such a text and colours can be effected by this. 

I asked my audience how old they are and in response found out that the majority of my audience are over 40, and a section of them are in the 25-40 age bracket. This tell me that themes and ideas need to pull towards this area of representation. 

By finding out the approximate average household income of my audience, I am able to understand the types of people who buy and read my magazine, henceforth understand the level of reading age which they acquire. Furthermore, colour and content can be fitted to a higher social class of reader.

My feedback has informed me that 100 percent of my audience are white British, this means that the content of my image, as well as content of my articles and text can be based around white British traditional themes.

The majority of my target audience currently ready magazines which allows me to place my advertising in the market place more easily. This is down to current conventions and ideas set by current media producers.

The majority of my audience have decided that it's not entirely important for an image of the magazine to be shown on the billboard - I could perhaps instead represent the magazine through similar type and colours. 

A resounding result has informed me that my audience want to see grey and white as the primary colours on my billboard. I will incorporate these colours into my design to allow it to represent my chosen target audience.

My target audience have decided that they want to see a traditional type style which fits current conventions and ideas, and also a type face which links in to the magazine's font. 

Finally, I have understood that my target audience are interested in seeing coastal images on a new regional magazine billboard - this feedback is imperative as I can now create a product which fits my audience's desires and interest.

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