Wednesday 29 October 2014

Website Audience Research

I have created a Survey which I have posted to my audience and as a result, got feedback on each question. The feedback tells me about the demographic of my audience as well as what they want to see from a regional magazine website. 
Firstly, I asked my audience if they were 'male' or 'female' and in response, got a 50/50 feedback which tells me that I need to represent my website's themes towards both male and females. 

My second question's feedback tells me that my audience are aged 25+, with half of them falling in the 25-40 age bracket. I will need to understand their needs and desires regarding colour, text and stories to ensure I represent this age group correctly. 

This question tells me that my audience are mainly based in the higher social brackets. This is important to know as I can shape content to fit their needs and desires. The larger proportion of my audience are in social class B.

I asked my audience what ethnicity they were and in response found out that all of my audience are white British. 

This chart shows me that the majority of my audience read regional magazines which is good because I can shape content and ideas according to what they already like and dislike form current media products.

My audience replied with mixed feedback for this question. 50 percent replied yes, whereas 50 percent replied no - this tell me that I need to go to special lengths to ensure that everyone who replied no explored content on my website which appeals to them.

My audience responded to this question, informing me that white, black and blue was the best option to choose when picking the colour scheme of my website. 

I have also received mixed feedback concerning what my audience would like to see in terms f articles from a new regional magazine. 'Place to visit' was the highest ranking option, and all of the other options are relatively similar in terms of responses. I will need to investigate further to get a clear understanding of what I want to primarily include in my magazine.

It seems that my audience's top priority from a regional magazine website is that it runs quickly, and they don't have to wait for graphics to load. They also think it's important to have a good level of interactivity in a website, so I will try and include this. 

Finally, my audience feel that articles and images are both just as important from a regional magazine website. Therefore I will try and keep an even balance when I create the content for my website - incorporating lots of articles, alongside an image gallery.

1 comment:

  1. • There is proficient research into similar products and a potential target audience
