Saturday 8 November 2014

Flat Plans

After having researched and evaluated a range of different regional magazine covers, contents pages, feature pages, websites and bill boards, I feel that I now have the knowledge and understanding to create and design my own ideas before I put them into practise. I have designed a range of ideas and designs so that I can decide what layout ideas look good and pick the ones which stand out best. This process is important as it will allowed me to 'play' around with designs and create a range of ideas which will fit my genre, audience and purpose.

I decided to create three cover designs, three contents designs, three feature page designs, three bill board designs and also three website designs. By creating three of each I can explore a range of layout ideas that I know my audience are looking for in a regional media product. I have explored a range of conventional designs in order to fit the idea of 'convenience' as stated by John Friske. It's convenient for the media producer to create a product which fits convention and presents design ideas which initially tell my audience the genre of my product.

The larger images, by themselves, are the designs which were my favourite when creating initial sketches. I have also shown the other two designs for each layout on a single page below this.

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