Wednesday 5 November 2014

Website & Billboard (Ancillary Task) Institution Research


I have been exploring a range of different hosting sites for my website upload so that once I have finished creating my design in Dreamweaver, I can upload it straight away. After browsing the internet and comparing prices, specifications and other contributing factors, I have decided to use a server called Date Flame to host my site. This is because hosting and also purchase of the domain name comes under one low cost package. The price of £5.95 is considerably cheaper than other of their competitors such as Heart Internet, Fast Hosts and GoDaddy, all coming in at a higher price bracket. I will now purchase the hosting from Data Flame and upload my website once I have created it.


With regards to my billboard, deciding where my billboard is placed is one of the more important factors when exploring this area of institution. I have decided to explore the areas in which current billboards are positioned, and from looking at this I have understood that key areas are in seaside towns, city centres and also around and near supermarkets / shopping centres. My reasoning behind this is because these are areas which either are highly populated at a specific time, or have an audience which would be attracted by my magazine. After choosing the location of my billboards, I decided to research costings on the internet, trying to see which companies would provide the lowest quote for my specifications. Some of the companies which I decided to explore were The Cornish Print Company, Mid Cornwall Printing and BJ Press. The quotes which I received from these companies ranged from £350-£650 for 50 and around the £1200-£1700 mark for 400 billboards. 

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