Wednesday 5 November 2014

Synopsis & Treatment

Initial ideas and research have lead me to understand the basic ideas surrounding the identity of a traditional regional magazine's target audience. I now know that my target audience are aged roughly 30+, in social bracket A-C1, and all white British, with a 50/50 split between male and females. Regional magazines such a Cornwall Today and Cornwall life seem to represent a demographic that's made up more of holidaymakers than it is people local to the area. By exploring current magazine, I can see that there is a massive gap in the market for younger readers of regional magazine, however, I am going to stick to traditional themes and represent and shape my magazine's content towards an older audience

Cornwall Bys Vyken, a new Cornish regional magazine, which will present traditional ideas concerning travel, food, places to visit, current local issues, local events and local interests, fills a gap in the market for a new Cornish regional magazine. Presenting a traditional audience age group, with a balanced sex range, Cornwall Bys Vyken will focus on representing social grades A-C1. Due to this publication being on sale only in Cornwall, it will make it a niche magazine, focusing on Cornish residents and tourists to Cornwall. 

With regards to layout and styling, my magazine will represent similar themes to that of Cornish magazines such as Cornwall Today and Cornwall Life. To do this, I am going to represent Cornwall through use of it's beautiful scenery - much like that shown through a current media producer, Wild Cornwall. I will also fulfil themes concerning design and layout, as this will allow me to present my demographic clearly and coherently.

Cornwall Bys Vyken will present and show content specifically tailored to my audience's needs and desires, focusing on target audience feedback. My magazine will be sectioned into relevant groups, as presented by the contents page's ideas. The following headings will be used in my magazine - 'Regulars', 'Town Life', 'Music', 'Food and Drink' and 'Summer Life Style' (the season will change relevant to the time of year. Cornwall Bys Vyken, a monthly issue magazine, will cost £3.99, a similar price to that of its competitors. This price range will keep my product competitive while also bringing in gross profit. An independent publisher (Out of Hand LTD) will be required as this will ensure that start up costs are kept to a minimum. This choice of publisher presents and reflects my magazine, due to it appealing to a niche audience and it not being a nationally available magazine.

I feel that there is a gap in the marker place for my media product due to the relatively small selection of regional magazines in Cornwall. Furthermore, if my magazine incorporated a small section of content which will represent a younger audience, I will find a gap in the market there. With regards to a new magazine in Cornwall who tailors their content, styling and marketing directly towards their target audience, asking what they would like to see from a regional magazine, Cornwall Bys Vyken will be a first in this market place. I have decided that concerning the print and digital mediums which my precepts can be viewed in, my media product will be sold in all major supermarket chains in Cornwall, including newsagents, and corner shops. Furthermore, my magazine will also be available for direct subscription online and it will also be available to view online, through use of the website. The print issue will mainly appeal to my older audience as well as tourists to the county. 

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