Friday 29 November 2013

Contents Page Construction

To start my magazine contents page I decided to start by making the background - this was a gradient style background that's light and makes the text in front of it stand out. Moreover, I looked at others in the same market place and this is in a similar style to how they present their contents pages. I felt that this style would represent my audience the best as a plain white background can appear boring perhaps not eye catching enough.

Next, I created a 'header' style layout at the top of the page which fits the conventions of most music magazines. It represents the audience through use of colour, bold fonts and the way that the text stands out. My colours follow the corporate colours of the magazine and this is also important for my target audience as they can follow the themes that the magazine portrays.

I edited my text styles through the 'layer style' option on Photoshop. I used the 'stroke' and 'bevel & emboss' options to create my desired effect. I also did this with other areas of my text on this page, this allows my text to look professional.

I added a main image to my magazine contents page which portrays the genre and hence represents the genre. I added text below this - this section of text is set in the main colours of the magazine - red and black. This style layout is relatively simplistic however the way that certain sections of text are separated through use of colour allows the magazine to connote its themes and ideas in a what that's easy for the audience to understand.

Next I added two separating lines to the page so that I could separate the main sections of the page. This represents the audience through creating a layout that is easy navigated. These separating lines allow for the page to become split up and certain sections of text, which are not relevant to others, become sectioned off and easily followed. This fits the stereotypes of other magazines of this genre and it represents the target due to a modern, stylistic layout design.

I created these lines through use of the rectangle tool, located in the left hand side tool bar. I created a rectangle, filled it, then re-sized it to fit onto my page. I ensured I cropped the box to the correct proportion to fit onto my page correctly. 
Next I decided to add my main featured pages down the right hand side of the page - an idea incorporated in many music magazines. I inserted the headers of each section, accompanied by a black background into the column which I would later have alongside other stories below. I have used two of the main colours of the magazine here to portray continuity and also corporate themes. These ideas allow the target audience to become engaged and involved through systematically laid out headers and smaller stories below.
I then decided to add my smaller stores below my main headers. This follows the conventions of many music magazine contents pages and it also allows my target audience to follow the page easily and navigate it quickly. I have again used colours which represent the magazine's themes and ideas and portray a similar meaning. I have done this through creating each section of text in a separate text box and then 're-colouring' certain sections depending on their relevance, use and interest to the reader. Furthermore, I feel that this layout allows for my audience to become engaged and stick with the magazine - it represents themes concerning them as they can navigate this section of the page quickly and easily.  
I then added my main story onto the contents page - this is something which helps to keep the audience engaged and give them further insight into what's inside the magazine. I created a large 'A' to portray common conventions and then wrote a short paragraph, in the style of many of my competitors, explaining the main story. This represents my audience as they don't have to search the magazine to find a quick story which grabs their attention and interests them. 
I then decided to add an advertisement to my magazine's contents page - something which many music magazines decide to do. This explains a special offer for my audience and it grabs their attention because of the layout and colours which I have chosen.

I used the rectangle tool to create the text box for my advertisement, I dragged a rough shape, filled it black with the fill tool and then I re-sized so the text fitted in. This was the same process for all of my text boxes, the only difference was the colour I used and also the size, this was dependent of the connotations I was trying to create.

Next I incorporated two different text boxes into my contents page - both created through various tools in Photoshop. I added text to these shapes and coloured them two different colours - depending on the relevance and also what looked good and appealing to my audience. This section of the page appeals to my target audience as they can quickly establish what to expect from the rest of the magazine and also inside stories and hints which keeps them interested. 
My target audience are also interested in this section of the page because of the variety of shapes which are presented. They are interesting and keep the reader engaged and interested. 
Finally, I created the final section of my page - this is the 'indie index' part of the page - an idea which is incorporated into a few of my competitor's magazines and something which is appealing to my target audience as they can find their favourite bands quickly and efficiently, without hassle. Moreover, I have chosen colours, again, which represent the themes of the page and allow it to fit and look attractive.

I created this column through creating a text box - through use of the 'text' tool - and then by inserting my list of band names and page numbers, then re-colouring the specific sections. I re-coloured the certain sections through use of the colour palate at the bottom left of photoshop. 

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