Friday 29 November 2013

Original Images

My photoshoot went as successful as I could have hoped for. I have took images which look professional and also represent my target audience and their needs. My images also represent the genre and the purpose of the magazine. I think that my images look professional because of the location, the lighting, the image quality and also the choice of model.

All of my images were in focus which instantly makes them of a high quality, that balanced with lighting that fits the setting and also the camera settings allow my images to represent the audience to the best of their ability. I also think that the shot types allow for an interesting range of photographs - I made sure that all of my photographs had a range of shot types, ranging from close ups to long shots. I also varied whether my images were landscape or portrait which ensured that I have myself an interesting range of high quality images that I could choose from. 

I also feel that my images look good because of the mise-en-scene included in the photographs. This included the clothes worn, the make-up used and also the setting. This ensured that I represented the audience to the best of my ability. I think that also because of the way that I changed the camera settings, depending on the lighting and the location ensured that
my images appeared to an industry standard. 

I think that this image is a good in terms of the shot type and also the models positioning and actions. I do however feel that it is slightly bright - this was to do with the studio lighting, coupled with the camera's flash. I got around this through changing the camera's settings. This image was a good tester image in terms of finding out what the rest of my shoot was going to turn out like. Moreover, I feel that this allowed me to understand how I needed to make improvements so that I could take professional, quality images that represented my target audience. This image represents Stanley Hall's theory where he portrays youth as being rebellious. This is done through my model and the choice of pose I selected for her. To begin, because of my model's dyed hair it represents rebellion through young people controlling their appearance and what they look like - my target audience will look to this and aspire to be like my model. Moreover the pose allows my model to appear confident and outgoing, perhaps something attached with rebellion.

In my next image I asked my model to pose in a different way - this kind of pose is the same as the type that would be expected to see on a magazine of this genre. I do also feel that this image is also slightly exposed - it does however give it a very 'celebrity caught by the press' feel - something shown through some of the music magazine covers in this genre. This is perhaps an image which I could use for a smaller cover story image, but one that's definitely not suited for my main contents page image. This image links into Laura Mulvey's theory which states that women are primerily used in the media for the sexual desire of males. This is shown through my model's pose, her clothing and also the guitar - something which will attract the interest of my audience. 
This is image is darker, which works well as it looks more professional due to to the positioning of the lighting as well as the aperture and the shutter speed used. Furthermore, the physical action made by my model will appeal to my target audience and represent some of the themes concerning them. It is certainly an image which I may consider using in my work.

I think that this is perhaps my favourite image - it is a shot which I chose while making my flat plans and I think that it is one which will represent my target audience to the best of its ability. The lighting is good on the image - perhaps that of a photograph which may be used in a magazine of one of my competitors. I also think that the shadows on the image work well as there is a nice balance with the light areas. This image along with the following two are probably my favourite images due to the interesting lighting, shot types and also model poses - they represent my target audience, genre of magazine and also the purpose of my magazine. 

My next image was took outside in the second section of my photoshoot. I asked my model to pose in interesting positions which would in turn connote the target audience of my magazine. I like this image because of the lighting, shot type, model's pose and also because of the overall quality. This is the same with my next three image - I feel that they all fir the conventions of music magazine image due to the lighting and quality of image. Also, due to the shot type and model's pose they are interesting images which connote youth an rebellion - this will in turn allow my magazine to sell faster. 

I think that all of the following images are good enough quality to feature on all three of my pages due to the overall standard of the images. Moreover, these images portray the themes of both Laura Mulvey's theory and also Stanley Hall's theory, which together state that women are used in the media for men's sexual desire and all youth are rebellious and show conventions of depression. This is shown through the poses of my model, alongside her clothing and also her hair colour. The graffiti in shot connotes rebellion and my model's dark leggings and hat connotes depression. Furthermore, my model poses in positions which may connote a slight sexual edge for some of my audience, in turn representing Laura Mulvey's theory. 


  1. Some excellent photo shoot work, well done. I cannot wait to see how your images come out after you have finished editing them. You shoot shows excellent time management and panning skills, keep up the excellent work.

