Friday 12 December 2014

Original Images

I decided to take a range of images which fitted the genre themes and styling ideas set by current media producers e.g. Cornwall Today. I needed to take quality photographs of attractive landscape settings, as this would grab my audience's attention and subliminally convince them to buy my magazine. I picked a range of shot types, however, conventionally, cover shots typically show a long range landscape image - common subject types are rivers/estuaries, coastal photographs, rural landmarks and moorland photography. I decided that I wanted to shoot my images at two main locations - regarding the subject of my images, this would allow me to cover a diverse range of photography, meaning that when I come to create my practical work, I am able to pick the most suitable images. The two different photoshoots which I covered were around the Looe area, as well as Rock beach and harbour.

Below are a selection of photos from my first landscape based photoshoot in Looe, Cornwall. 

This photoshoot went successfully in terms of the amount of shots I got, the range of shot types, and also the quality of the images. The images which I took, all explore similar themes in terms of genre, audience and purpose representation. I have explored themes set by current media producers, in order to create a final product which is appealing to my specific target audience. I have mainly explored the use of the 'long shot' type, as this fits convention - however, I have also played around with use of close-ups and medium close-ups. This range of shot types will allow for my magazine to fit stereotypes and also present a medium which will fit the idealistic nature for a regional magazine to inform and entertain. 

To add to my current portfolio of images, I decided to undertake another photoshoot. I visited Rock in Cornwall to take a selection of images which would compliment and also contrast from my previous shoot. 

Regarding the success of my second photoshoot, I feel that this photoshoot didn't fulfil the same standard of work as my previous shoot did. This is down to a number of different factors. Despite the location, shot type and also camera quality, due to the haziness of the images I may be unable to use a selection of them. I may still be able to use some of the images from this shoot however, for instance when creating smaller article sections and extra articles. 

1 comment:

  1. • There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
    • There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props
