Wednesday 10 December 2014

Masthead & Title Ideas

Traditionally, regional magazines' mastheads fit a slight archaic theme, however also fitting into a relatively modern type bracket. Most regional magazines use a serif on their masthead which connotes a formal nature and presents ideas of representing an older age bracket. After having explored three different regional magazine covers I have understood the conventions required to fulfil and I have come up with a selection of ideas of my own which I will be able to choose later on in this portfolio process. 

I started by experimenting in Adobe Photoshop, I wanted to explore and idea which would have took an alternative approach. I wanted to create a masthead which incorporated a landscape image within the text. I followed a tutorial to do this, and I was pleased with the results. Maybe a masthead like this would make my magazine stand out against competitors. 

I decided to experiment by creating three different designs, all three fit the same sizing, however I have explored three different type faces. Two of these use a serif and are traditional and the other explores different, maybe more modern themes. I think I prefer the first masthead experiment as it fits conventions and follows themes concerning region magazines. I feel this design with attract my audience, fit genre themes, and also fulfil the purpose of the magazine. Despite this, the bolder masthead stands out clearer and I can image it will grab my audience's attention with a higher success rate. I am now going to post all three designs to my target audience through use of Survey Monkey to find out what they think of my designs and this will allow me to choose between them.

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