Thursday 11 December 2014

Editing Research

In order to make my work look professional and give it a finish which will grab my audience's attention, I want to improve my Photoshop skills. I have decided that I'm going to use a range of YouTube tutorials to help me do this. By building on photo editing techniques, text and paragraph techniques and also layout techniques, I will be able to present a more professional finish when creating my own practical work in Photoshop. Hopefully the following YouTube tutorials will enable me to be able to clearly understand advanced skills and hopefully make me a better media producer.

The following video explores the creation and layout ideas that surround magazine creation - an area which will certainly improve my skills. From viewing this clip, I have understood the importance of using a grid layout and also the range of typography included in a magazine design. I have also understood how important a colour palate is and how to use advanced photoshop skills to incorporate all of these ideas. This tutorial has taught me tools such as the 'text' tools and also the masking tool and image placement ideas.

After having viewed this clip I decided that I also wanted to improve my InDesign skills also, as I am hoping to create perhaps my feature page in this software. InDesign specialises in layout and design as oppose to photo editing so I am going to need to learn new skills in order to master this program.

This YouTube video which I have picked out also explores creation of a magazine cover, however this one uses InDesign for the practical work. The skills shown have bene highly beneficial as I have learn layout design, text layout and design and also Image placement and framing.

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